1) Do you think you're hot?
i indeed am..huhuhuh sebab ada orang datang kat aku mase sejuk,derang kate badan aku slalunya panas,kalo suhu biasa pun badan aku panas mcm demam huhu.
2) Upload your favorite picture of you!
3) Why do you like that picture?
the main reason is becoz gamba tu yang ada dalam thumbdrive sekarang..because dalam library now2nd becoz kitorang due2 comel dalam gambar neh.huhuhuhuh...nak reason lagi ke??cukup2 la kan..nanti korang dengki..
4) When was the last time you ate pizza?
recently mase besday yana..22 february
5) The last song you listened to?
before this erm...Thunder by Boys Like Girls
6) What are you doing right now besides this?
nothing...suppose to have calculus class but it was cancelled...that why i'm here doing this!
7) What name would you prefer besides yours?
nurul??? dunno...somehow just like to be called by that name and like to call someone by that name too..>
People To Tag
Amer Boifren Aisyah(hahahahaha)
Aishah Girlfren Amer
8) Who is number one?
huhuhuh...already mentioned above daa...
9) Number three is having a relationship with?
he is single available seriously and desperately looking..call him right now!!!huhuhuh
10) Say something about number five?
i just love her!huhuhu
11) How about number four?
first time to tag her..=)
12) Who is number two?
nice cute creative ex school mate...emm da puji macam2 tak paham2 ke pujot huhuhu..